Friday, August 10, 2012

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I am afraid that no one ever told them half-way encounter intercept to leave Hong Kong? Xu Zhen has finally issued a combat command before the guns opened fire.
release installed on Zheng He ship bow of sixty pounds loaded rifled loud roar, ears stinging shock.
Bow sank, Then floating up, disperses an the millet black smoke from the muzzle at the fire in the ear is the steam engine rumbling to turn the sound over the smoke rushed through towards the back, Xu Zhen stared straight ahead was turning carriers of the rudder. aerial shells dragging a white smoke trace rapidly and flew toward the front of the warships falling into the far distance carriers starboard, sparking a huge column of water carriers traveling in the front towards the left side suddenly tilt, followed by severe left and right swinging.
The boat behind the bombing from the water column wave soaring.
Flying over the past two rounds, did not hit the transport ship, but also caused a great shock to them. Xu Zhen see those carriers as the frightened flock of sheep, and sometimes confusing, rapid turn right, one-sided vehicles side intends to south to escape, while several may be frightened over-turned the bow, the steam engine up to maximum, straight towards rushed over.
sawdust into wood smashed to reveal an edge irregular hole came a loud noise inside the cabin, the deck into the sky black, eye-catching red half of vessel rolled down.
Transport ship suddenly startled, stopped in the sea could not move. Billowing smoke mingled with the roaring fire to take out from the transport ship, the board also heard a series of small explosions, several figure jumped down from the ship long before less than eight hundred yards from the burning transport ship Zheng He ship on the distance from the sea, the ship was hit in the transport board heard a huge explosion,shox bomber, the bow suddenly out of the water, pointing straight up in the sky, followed by heavy drop-down splashing into a curling iron sheets from the the explosion transport ship flying to the Zheng He ship deck, long term resident in a bounce or two on the deck, the wisp of smoke from the iron tablets to take out. exposed on the surface of the transport ship wreckage sank quickly, when Zheng He ship from passing next to it, the remainder of the boat transport ships a small fraction of the mast is also exposed on the sea front Zheng He ship for a transport ship, the rapid escape of carriers towards the west of the past.
Right rudder,nike air max 2009 womens, forward four! High voice echoed in the Zheng He ship empty

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