Monday, July 9, 2012

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This opportunity, said: desktop, side wind seems to think that this is not enough, timid authentic: Hand the saying goes, do not fight smiling, II B, belly full of anger but for many years when a teacher or some accomplishment Nuheng cry and stormed away side wind Perfectionist smile, too fast on the paper to fill in early even if the answer is good, in front of mathematical papers in his eyes is not difficult, but because the only high school knowledge to answer the computation is still quite large, coupled with wasted a lot of teasing II B time assignment the bell sounded, Kankan for the last question, grow breath, heart and said: No matter what to think, and Liu to management on the side of the wind is quite satisfactory, an examination room over one the Dingding the flattery wear over, said he was wise and brave fighter, is exemplary and the fight against the forces of darkness , in short, his praise is no heaven only underground. side wind down his magic potion filling down from start to finish are smiling listen to, so when Liu to the manager finally asked the perfume where to buy, while the wind looked next to the nfl a, authentic grinning: Liu to management immediately wringing kept saying ass white shot of a side wind and the nfl to smile, and ran the school to buy ice cream in a small shop selling only shall we eat. Two people exchange answers to some of the topics in the math volume, the majority of the same, there are several disagreements explain by the side wind also proved he was right.
Afternoon of the English want to answer questions in writing, a period of time before hearing the question of side wind can only bear with patience wait for The two B do not know is not withstood a lot of setbacks in his actually did not show up in the afternoon examiner throughout the examination room students are very laughter, and some even humming a low voice: Declared the end of the exam is also auspicious atmosphere. Students again to restore the classroom ever, boring and stressful learning life as usual. Few days later, when the announcement of the examination results, not only four times a stunned, and even students of other classes glasses film off the ground. that is not ahead of an assignment is to slumbering on the test side of the wind, and even test the first of the school, to see this result, and who believe that before the champion of the exam in class the reciprocal of a twenty float.
Forget about the other students in the class ranking of the side wind rapid jumped surprised or jealous, the core of the earthquake - the four classes of the vast majority of people see the results table, stare in stupefaction. Emerged because the class of the top ten out some new favorites, such as Liu to the rationale, Zhang He, Jin Qiang, Zhao shell,Phoenix Suns Jerseys, Jin Shun, Zhouguodong,Portland Trail Blazers Jerseys, etc., not to mention far beyond second highest nfl up to four of the many side wind.
Research and analysis of some busybody brings a strange phenomenon, that these dark horse almost all of the last row of the

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